All public Bounds by Benjamin Lamza
Benjamin Lamza's Bounds
Secesija u Osijeku
by Benjamin Lamza
Actionbound aktivnost za djecu i odrasle kako bi bolje upoznali područje Gornjeg Grada u Osijeku te povijest većine secesijskih zgrada i njihove lokacije u Osijeku.
secesija, osijek, povijest
Art Noveau in Osijek
by Benjamin Lamza
In this Actionbound players have the oportunity to get familiar with Osijek's urbanistic arhitecture from the beginning of the 20th century, know as Secession or Art Noveau.
This walk across Downton Osijek takes aproximately 90 minutes.
Try to get the highest score (80 points)!
Be careful as wrong answer will cost you loosing 2 points!
Good luck and have fun!!